MeasureCamp Faro 2019 – Awesome first edition!

MeasureCamp Faro

Hi folks, I just got back from the first ever edition of MeasureCamp Faro, in Portugal. As you may know, I’m a regular on the MeasureCamp unconference circuit.

What is an unconference you ask? It’s essentially a knowledge exchange environment with no pre-arranged schedule. Participants show up and can decide to present on analytics-related topics.

In short, MeasureCamp does away with the format and conventions of usual conferences and allows you to acquire more hands-on experience than anywhere else 😎

Of course, I’m partial to Portugal, having learned Portuguese during my language studies so it was a great occasion to practice!

We had a smaller than usual audience compared to other editions but participants were super motivated 🤩
Among the participants were quite a few contacts I’ve made in the industry over the years and it all feels very much like a family gathering.

I took the opportunity to run two presentations, updated for 2019 from their original versions; one on best practices on how to get a digital analytics project off the ground quickly; one on Tag Management and its limitations.

The networking portion of MeasureCamp Faro was of course tremendously enhanced by the “vacation” setting in Algarve, the southernmost region of Portugal, also known as Portuguese Riviera (links below).

See you next year?

The answer is a resounding YES as far as I’m concerned! 🙂

Thanks again to the organizers, to the sponsors and to the University of Algarve!

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Download my MeasureCamp Faro presentations

The presentations are available in PDF format:

Should you switch to Google Analytics’ Global Site Tag?

2020 October UPDATE: With the release of Google Analytics 4 (App+Web/Firebase), the old tracking code (analytics.js) is no longer supported, only GA4 and gtag.js are supported going forward.

2019 September UPDATE: In September of 2018, Apple rolled out its Intelligent Tracking Protection (ITP) 2.0 program. When ITP is activated, third-party cookies can only track a user’s activity across sites for 24 hours from the exact moment a user visits a website. After this 24-hour window, these third-party cookies are only able to “remember” a user’s login information. With ITP, all third-party cookies are gone after thirty days.[link]


Use Google Analytics tracking via GTM in order to avoid any code conflict and use a conversion linker

In August 2017, Google announced the Google Universal Analytics Global Site Tag.

The announcement triggered a few discussions on Twitter, with digital marketers and IT folks worldwide asking: “is it time to upgrade already?”

This post explains what is at stake with the Global Site Tag and why you should switch – or not.

Continue reading “Should you switch to Google Analytics’ Global Site Tag?”

Google Analytics property ID management with Google Tag Manager

If, like me, you handle enterprise customers with a significant number of websites (we’re talking hundreds, if not thousands), one of your worst nightmares is Google Analytics property ID Management.

In this post, I’ll share with you one method I use to manage the Google Analytics property ID lists in Google Tag Manager, using an adaptable lookup table system.

[EDIT: 18 May, 2016 – code supports regular expressions]

Continue reading “Google Analytics property ID management with Google Tag Manager”

More Raspberry Pi and Google Universal Analytics goodness

Hi folks, get ready for more Raspberry Pi and Google Universal Analytics goodness 🙂

As you’ll see, I had a little spare time on my hands, so I shot a screencast on how to capture system events such as boot, reboot and shutdown sequences in Google Universal Analytics (UA). This can be useful when using UA for performance monitoring.

Because you’ve read my other posts on the subject of Google Universal Analytics and Raspberry Pi credit-card-sized computers and because I love the little thingies, here is more, but this times it’s more hands-on.

The video is available here or after the jump.

Continue reading “More Raspberry Pi and Google Universal Analytics goodness”

Measuring offline store activity with Google Universal Analytics

Hi folks,

Here is another post about Google Universal Analytics, seeing how you seem to like them 😉

Today we’re going to measure the performance of an offline store by testing 2 concepts:

  • measuring customers as they walk in/out of the store
  • measuring cash register transactions

Again, this is a proof of concept but feel free to expand upon it in your own store.

Ready? (Who am I kidding, you’re probably already giddy as a schoolgirl just reading this :D) Continue reading “Measuring offline store activity with Google Universal Analytics”

Gmail activity in Google Universal Analytics

Hi folks,

Yes, you read that title right. As another proof of concept after server-side PDF tracking, in this post I will show you a method for measuring your Gmail activity with Google Universal Analytics.

Not that you *need* it, but it is a good example of the sort of upcoming applications for Universal!

Again, this post is not for the technically faint of heart. Still good to go? Buckle up and see you after the jump 😉

Continue reading “Gmail activity in Google Universal Analytics”

Track PDF downloads with Google Universal Analytics – no Javascript!

In this post, I intend to share a technique / proof of concept for on-the-fly measurement of PDF files  downloads with Universal Analytics. Without Javacript.
Please note that n00bs are now strongly advised to leave this page (I can live with this bounce rate!) or continue at the risk of their own mental sanity.

Most of you have heard about the arrival of Google Analytics Universal.
This new version of Google Analytics is about:

  • revolutionizing analytics measurement with a unified protocol,
  • giving you a better, user-centric view of the customer experience via multiple platforms and devices,
  • giving you access to custom dimensions and metrics,
  • tracking offline activity (although you need *some* connectivity to send data home to the GA mothership)
Continue reading “Track PDF downloads with Google Universal Analytics – no Javascript!”

Leverage number of keywords in search phrases for long tail analysis in Google Analytics

Hi folks,

Rebounding on a discussion with my colleagues at LunaMetrics, there is definitely a need to measure the impact of the “long tail” in SEO, especially depending on the variety of keywords used. This is called NOK or number of keywords.

Continue reading “Leverage number of keywords in search phrases for long tail analysis in Google Analytics”

Get Google Suggest suggestion keywords in Google Analytics

Version française / French version

UPDATE: this is impacted by Google Instant and the (not provided) effect

Here is a post that will help you identify traffic generated by Google Suggest in Google Analytics. You will learn how to modify keywords to include both the original keyword and the suggested keyword.

Continue reading “Get Google Suggest suggestion keywords in Google Analytics”

Web Analytics for your European branches

[This is an old post of mine from the now-defunct OX2 web analytics blog]

European Flag + wind
If you are a regular follower of the Web Analytics Yahoo! User Group, you may have caught the latest debate on the necessity of using and mastering foreign languages in order to enrich and broaden your Web Analytics experience and competency. While the debate was initiated by someone from Germany, most of the audience in the forum is US-based.

Take no offense, but I like to think we Euros have more foreign language exposure in our own continent than in Northern America. As a quick reminder, Europe is a continental block that spans over 40 countries and more than 15 different languages. How is that for diversity? 😉

Continue reading “Web Analytics for your European branches”