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2008: a recap

Well, 2008 has been quite a ride, to say the least!

Of course, the highlight of this year was the arrival of baby Guillaume. As you can imagine, Cécile and I are very happy and parenthood is definitely a life-changing experience – on more than one level!
Guillaume is very healthy and making very proud. Of course everything he experiences is new and, in a way, it’s new to us as well 😉

I actually thought I had lost the ability to be amazed at anything, what with the Internet and information overload. I found it refreshing that my son was able to prove me wrong!

Also, we got two sets of newly retired grandparents to start worshipping Guillaume 😉

Professionally speaking, it’s been a great year, with loads of challenging projects and interesting clients. I am very much present on the web analytics evangelization scene in France and I received unexpected attention and recognition as a WA expert and thought leader in France. Now that I got used to this, I intend to kick said evangelisation efforts up a notch. More on that topic soon 😉

Joining the LBi Group definitely spiced things up! Of course my French activities have pretty much de facto shifted from a France/Belgium territory to a Europe-/world-wide playground. Despite the intrinsically dematerialized nature of web analytics, getting on-board with larger-scale worldwide projects also meant more traveling.

On this topic, traveling has taken its toll lately and I really need to take more vacation days more frequently instead of hoarding them all up and wait till years end when i’m all burned out anyway 😀

In other news:

  • Iraq still occupied.
  • Obama elected – yay!
  • My son Guillaume was born (did I mention that already? ;-))
  • Financial market meltdown – woo! I’m so glad Europe does not have so much of a credit culture. We pay cash or with very few installments to avoid debt-related charges.
  • Riots in Greece

I could add more but frankly, 2008 has been a blur 🙂 So I’ll let Jib Jab do it:

[youtube RmEP93NVTaw]

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