Just to provide more backing to Better Know a Web Metric : the Page View, here is a story I just found on Digg.
Remember when web site traffic was talked about in terms of “hits”? You’d read about how many millions of hits Netscape got per month and other sites bragged about getting 30,000 hits a day.
My comment on this story:
RSS and Ajax are two tools that work great together when it comes to publishing content. They still need a receptacle in the form of a document…
With RSS and Ajax, you essentially track clicks and site interaction, which means taking a measure of your site’s usability instead of an in-depth traffic analysis.
read more | digg story
Just to provide more backing to Better Know a Web Metric : the Page View, here is a story I just found on Digg.
Remember when web site traffic was talked about in terms of “hits”? You’d read about how many millions of hits Netscape got per month and other sites bragged about getting 30,000 hits a day.
My comment on this story:
RSS and Ajax are two tools that work great together when it comes to publishing content. They still need a receptacle in the form of a document…
With RSS and Ajax, you essentially track clicks and site interaction, which means taking a measure of your site’s usability instead of an in-depth traffic analysis.
read more | digg story